Sunday, November 1, 2009

Almond Crème Fibergy™ & Peach Mango Fibergy™

The Importance of a Low-Fat, High Fiber Diet

Grain products, fruits and vegetable are diets rich in fiber, low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  Consuming multiple sources of dietary fiber can be beneficial because different types of fiber provide specific benefits and act in different ways in the body.  Unfortunately, the normal diet in today's society includes only one-half to two-thirds of the fiber necessary for optimal health.  The positive impact of a high fiber diet is increased when there is a concurrent reduction in the amount of saturated fat consumed.

Truth About Fiber

A diet high in fiber, containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables can help you maintain a healthy digestive system and long-term good health.  Fibergy is a testy drink mix which provides a significant source of dietary fiber.

 Fibergy is available in two flavours: fresh, fruity Peach Mango and delicious Almond Creme~!  We shall now take a look at the nutrition facts of both the flavours as they both vary from each other in terms of content. 

Almond Crème Fibergy™

The  Almond Crème Fibergy™ is a great drink on its own, but it can be added onto the Nutrimeal as an added extra.  I usually do that.  So below is the nutrition facts of the Almond Crème Fibergy™. 


I myself mix the Almond Crème Fibergy™ with the Nutrimeal™ Dutch Chocolate and make it into a smoothie which I enjoy with my morning workouts.  Of course there are many more recipes for me to try out.

So now we shall take a look at the Peach Mango Fibergy™.

Peach Mango Fibergy™


 The Peach Mango Fibergy™ is a fabulous drink on its own and can be added to many other drinks to make it taste good and healthy.  Healthy doesn't have to taste bad, so check out the nutrition facts of the Peach Mango Fibergy™ below.


I would be experimenting with the Peach Mango Fibergy™ with the Nutrimeals as well. 

 It looks like that is all to see about the 2 Fibergy flavours.  Of course recipes will be posted up from time to time for the benefit of those who are interested in a fiber drink that taste good~!

If you like to get your hands on the Fibergy, both flavours are currently retailing at RM132.  You can get the Fibergy from me at wholesale price of RM110 a can.  This would mean you are saving RM22 per can.  So come and get the Fibergy today~!