Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hello, these are testimonials that I had recorded myself as well as found from others who are into the business like me.  Of course these testimonials are regarding the products.

Below are the videos that I found on YouTube from another distributor like myself. Credits to Azmi Katiman / jemitube.  

Testimonial about how his father's migraine improved and how his pimples clears up.

Testimonial regarding mother recovering from stroke to gardening her own garden.

Testimonial regarding his own improvement on gout and how his mother's diabetic condition improved when the blood sugar level of 14 drop to 7.7.

Testimonial about how his wife's condition improved after being in coma during her pregnancy and how he had reduced his smoking from 3 packets to 1 packet after diligently taking the USANA products day after day.

Testimonial regarding her own hyper-thyroid condition improved from the reading of 95 to 22.

Testimonial about how he slowly gained weight and how he got onto the RESET Program with his experience with it.  He also talks how the Essentials helped reduce the hunger effect during the course of the program. He lost a weight of15kg in the period of 4 weeks from 100kg to 85kg.

Testimonial regarding her own child who suffered from asthma and how he was weak and un-energetic.  Her child's condition improved after taking the supplements on a scheduled regimen, like medicine. 

Testimonial regarding diabetes.

Testimonial regarding how bad her migraine was and how it had affected her.  Her condition improved after a week. She also suffered from weak bladder and constantly had to go to toilet and this had also improved after taking USANA Essentials.

Testimonial how he was dependent on pain killers for his ailment and says that he has tried a lot of different medicine and products until he found USANA.  Listen to him.

Testimonial about his own ailment and ailments of others around him.

This are the video testimonials that I had collected from youtube and all of these are made possible with thanks to Azmi Katiman / jemitube.

Next are testimonials which are from another distributor such as myself whom I met online.  I also got the opportunity to meet up with her.  She is a nice person who has allowed me to use her testimonials.  So lets take a look at the her testimonials and the testimonials she received from her consumers as well as her downlines. 

This is her own testimonial which can be found at

  • She had lost 6kg in one and a half months time.
  • Her skin complexion improved for the better and she saw less pimples.
  • Her husband used to suffer from sinus (or in BM it is called resdung), acne and mouth ulcer.  His health and skin condition improved with reduced acne problem.  Her husband's mouth ulcer is now a forgotten history in the chapters of their life. 
  • She was suffering from severe joint pains after giving birth to her lovely son, Darwis Ichiro~!  As she had mentioned on her blog, it was extremely painful for her to move her legs, bend her knee, straighten her fingers and much more.  She was back to normal after taking USANA's Procosa II which are meant for joint problems.

The following are the feedback she had received from her customers regarding the USANA products that she had sold to them. (No changes were made as it directly came from

Penol, gud news..b4 this berat I dah nak dekat 110kg tau, dlm 107kg mcm tu. Hari ni I timbang, dah 104kg. I sgt excited. Fyi, I mkn nasi 2x jer baru dalam bulan pose ni. – Farihah via sms [she’s consuming Nutrimeal and Essentials supplement]
applephye03 : I ada good news
applephye03 : Kencing manis father I dh single digitapplephye03 : Dulu belas2
applephye03 : Skang dh trn 6!!
ladyimran : goooddddddddd
applephye03 : Hehe
applephye03 : My mum call tadi
applephye03 : Nak order lagi
ladyimran : shes happy?
ladyimran : waaa, best la u
applephye03 : Dia yg excited bgtau tahap gula dh turun sampai 6!
applephye03 : Can’t believed it
applephye03 : Dia pun tak caya
applephye03 : Oh! I’m sooo happy
applephye03 : Syukur sgt
ladyimran : terer nyer usana
-Ain via Yahoo Messenger chat [her father consuming essentials and proflavanol]
Usana really block my hunger and avoid me from eating those merepek2 thing yg byk gula & oily tuh.Minum ble balik keje time tgh lapar gle tu so malam nnt takle terasa nk makan.Friends oso notice I lost weight.As for Nutrimeal makes me confident that my body won’t lack of nutrient bile berdiet nih for Nutrimeal is indeed a healthy drink kan..Oh lagi satu..rasenye sangat sedapppp:) – Ummi Nadrah via email [she's consuming nutrimeal, fibergy & procosa supplement]
I dh stat shake sahur td..mmg betol la u x rasa lapar at all..yg paling best x rasa nk makan langsung tgk org makan – Sara Bella via sms [she's consuming nutrimeal]
Actually parcel tu dah sampai last week.tapi i baru je collect kat umah taiping last saturday.
dah cuba 4 ari termasuk ari nie.tapi i cuma ambik once per day dulu.takut badan terkejut kalau ambik twice per day.
and so far yg i rasa ada perubahan ialah healthy glow on my face.b4 this mcm pucat skit and selera makan dah bertambah.hubby i pun tertarik nak cuba nutrimeal.dah order pun utk dia.nenanti nak tgk result dia.

bisnes kit i tak sempat go thru u mind explain to me secara ringkas?
thanks a lot.. – Farina Suhaila via email [ she's consuming the essentials ]

Hi there..I ada god news! I dah period! ;) At last! After 9 months. Thank god and of course thank to you sbb bersusah payah poskan USANA utk I – Ain via sms [she's consuming essentials and proflavanol]
Kartini: Eh mak aku punye sugar level dh drop la. [her mom having diabetes and at the moment she's taking essentials + proflavanol]
Me: Oh yer ker? Bagus la tu. Berapa dulu?
Kartini: Tu la dari 14 something la, skang dah 7.4.
Me: Oh, bagus bagus.

applephye03: U,I ada good news lagi
applephye03: I kat kl la ni
applephye03: Balik jumpa gynae
applephye03: Ovari yg bengkak tu dh tak ada
ladyimran: really?
ladyimran: wahhh]
Hi mrs imran, juz nk bgtau, I period 2 days ago, tp ni dh nk abis dh. x byk lagi. Huhu kalau period bleh makan usana ker? – Hana via sms [ she’s taking essentials + proflavanol]
Penol! Berat I dah 102kg! Hilang 2kg lg! Alhamdulillah..moga dapat capai target kurang 100kg before raya! [uptodate her weight is 101kg] – Farihah via sms [she’s taking essentials, proflavanol & nutrimeal]
Penol, I notice sejak I amik essentials my skin jadi cerah lah. Essentials mmg buat kulit jadi cerah ek? Lagi satu, I amik Nutrimeal ni mmg sangat kenyang la, kenapa dulu I amik “brand x” tk kenyang sangat eh? – Farihah via yahoo messenger
Ayu, akak dh turun 2kg in 10 days, nk order lagi la Nutrimeal. Nk jadi member pastu dapat usana ID RM99 yer? Boleh order sendiri online kan? – Kak Ismiza via sms [she’s taking essentials + nutrimeal]
Akak perasan sejak amik usana ni, kulit jadi..errr cerah lah. Mmg kulit akan jadi cerah yer amik Usana? – Kak Ismiza via yahoo messenger
Nol, I nk update pasal my aunty dia amik usana essentials + proflavanol. Dia kata sejak dia amik tu, skin dia yg selalu kering especially bulan puasa dah tkkering lagi, then dia pon ada bowel problem, tapi sejak amik supplement dah senang ke toilet – Aida via gmail chat [ u can read her entry here]
hi…sori sgt2 lambat reply ur mail…
yes..i dh received my order..
alhamdulillah.. so far, my skin mcm dh cerah sket…:D
n acne dh berkurangan..also my skin mcm dh x kering sgt…
later i ingat nk try the nutrimeal …
nnt i place order ya…
tq so much – Amy via email [she’s taking essentials and using Sense skin care]

najxxx isxxx: oh btw, my husband pun
share my essentials + proflavanol hehehe dia ada hypertension
ladyimran: high blood?
najxxx isxxx: yup
ladyimran: ada pening2 selalu ker?
najxxx isxxx: dia mmg ada migraine,
sama mcm i, blood pressure mmg tinggi tak pernah turun tahun ni tapi sebelum raya hari tu sbb naik paling tinggi, doc suh dia ambik ubat so skrg ni dia ambik ubat hypertension as well as Usana. last 2 nights dia gi ambik blood pressure
ladyimran: hmm
najxxx isxxx: blood pressure dia
ladyimran: seriously??
najxxx isxxx: yup i was shock as well i cakap Usana punya kerja

I experienced irregular period with a very minimal flow since I got married about 2++ years ago. Doc suspects me having PCOS, due to the imbalance hormones inside my body. And I think my stressfull work and hectic life also contributing to this.
I started with USANA since 01 August 2009, 2 tablets for each AO Pro and Chelated Minerals and a tablet of Provflavanol everyday. I had my period about two weeks later and guess what, the flow that was very minimal before had increased. Still minimal, but more than before. Alhamdulillah, that was a good sign.
I continue with USANA until my 2nd period cycle. By the time, I’d placed my second order of USANA Essentials. This time I increase to 4 tablets per day (2 morning and 2 night) and 3 tablets for Provflavanol (2 morning and 1 night). For the 2nd cycle, the flow is getting heavier. Still not heavy enough, but for me it’s good. Well, even my progress it quite slow than others, at least for me it works, dengan izin Allah. Alhamdulillah.
Now I will continue consuming USANA and hopefully things will get better as before. Pray for me. Arifa via blog [she’s taking essentials and proflavanol]
puxxxtul: my mom nampak mcm dah gettingbetter
ladyimran: oh eyh?
puxxxtul: she said dia dh ada energy sejak amik usana…
ladyimran: hows da blood pressure now?
puxxxtul: bfore this bila makan ubat, asik nak tidor je rasa..nk rest je..malas nak buat itu ini…
ladyimran: oh i see
puxxxtul: now dh ada energy
ladyimran: ada certain drug tu yg buat kiter cam nk relaks
puxxxtul: BP still 140-150 average…but no more dizzy2 nak tumbang kalau tidak kan i cite dia bila berdiri je light headed nak tumbang je rasa now getting better..alhamdulillah
ladyimran: oh sounds good at least ada improvement kan
puxxxtul: yeah…nampak dia ceria la sikit…usana ada minyak ikan gak eh?she said my dad makan fish oil dia pun share amk..botol besar colour orange. i x tgk lagi coz tadi dia cite je on the phone

A reader of my blog email me saying husband die kena slip disc. Doctor suruh operate, yes it was severe stage. but they wanted to try USANA so they could try avoid the need of operation. This was my conversation with her via ym last week.
munirahpunye: hi dear
munirahpunye: how’s ur husband?
Honey: haii..
Honey : alhamdulillah
Honey : he is getting better
Honey : yang bestnyerr dia dah tak terbongkok bongkok lagi
Honey : hehehehe
munirahpunye: seryesss
Honey : tapii masa mula mula ari tuu kan
munirahpunye: mmg the ubat works lar kan
munirahpunye: dh brapa lame ek die amiq?
Honey: almost 2 weeks
munirahpunye: mmg dah ade beza ek
munirahpunye: alhamdulillah
munirahpunye: sbb lain org lain kn
munirahpunye: cam i punye kaki ni lmbat skit
munirahpunye: ade org yg mmg cepat serasi
Honey: tapi sakit masih lagi
munirahpunye: slowly
Honey : cuma tak laa bongkok udang
munirahpunye: sbb bkn cam magic
Honey : boleh lurus badan
Honey : tapi jalan sakit lagi
munirahpunye: oh b4 this mmg bongkok sgt ke
Honey: yerr laa
Honey: sangatt bongkok
munirahpunye: now dh bleh diri tegak
munirahpunye: keep on lah taking the supplement
Honey : n hari tu sampai kena pakai tongkat
munirahpunye: insyaAllah okay
munirahpunye: ohh mmg dasyat tul smpai kena pakai tongkat
munirahpunye: oh mase yg jumpe doc yg kate nk kena operate tu ek, mase tu mmg bongkok sgt2 yer?
Honey : yup
Honey : now ok
Honey : doktor pun dah kurangkan dia nyer fisio
Honey : daripada hari hari
munirahpunye: icc
Honey : just seminggu 2 kali ajerr
Honey : masa hari jumaat lepas dia dah start tak pakai tongkat


So these are some of the few strong testimonials she had received from her customers. Of course USANA has helped many others in terms of their health, but of course USANA also provides a business opportunity which you can contact me get more details about.

But now we shall take a look at some of the testimonials that I had the opportunity of capturing during my stint in USANA on HD using my camera, the Panasonic Lumix Z07. Unfortunately I am facing difficulty editing the videos as the videos are very large in size due to its HD (High Definition) quality.

Moving onto a major testimonial that was even published in one of the MAJOR Malay magazine NONA, the sister to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin consumes USANA products as well as providing it to her family for their well being.  Below are the cut out from the NONA magazine which was from the month of August 2007.

Nona August 2007 issue.

Tengku Norhana Fatihah (the sister to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin)

Again Tengku Norhana Fatihah.

A close up zoom on the article about her comments on USANA and how she uses USANA products for health.

Now at the bottom here we have a newspaper article cutting that talks about people's testimonial regarding the products.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I find reading this article a joy. It is extremely helpful and interesting and very much looking forward to reading more of your work.. post
